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Ram has been in IT industry since 1984 serving executive management positions in start-ups and large enterprises such as HP and Cisco.  He emigrated from India in 1982 and has a BSEE degree from College of Engineering in Chennai India and a MSEE degree from Northeastern University in Boston.  He also attended executive management programs at Stanford University.  His full profile may be found in LinkedIn.

Ram is also a practitioner of Mindfulness meditation and Buddhist teachings.  He is deeply committed to social causes in the areas of technology access to the under-privileged, enabling homeless people to better connect with the community and environmental/ecological areas.  He is also a member of eco-volunteers group educating K-6 kids on various aspect. of eco-education. He is actively engaged with county and state level initiatives as well as the influencers in the areas of policy development.

With RRRcoumputer.org he sees a great opportunity to bridge the digital divide and enable computer literacy in K-12 students in low-income communities.  He strongly believes that being generous is the most useful choice humans make!
